
Let’s Work Together for Healthcare in Southwest Saskatchewan

These are uncertain times for everyone as new cases of COVID-19 are reported daily across the nation and globally. Now as many of us have regrouped working in isolation from our home offices, we’re all doing our part to help “flatten the curve.”

As other businesses are affected by the COVID-19 pandemic so too are numerous non- profit organizations including the Dr. Noble Irwin Regional Healthcare Regional Healthcare Foundation. “Several fundraisers targeting our “Close to the Heart Digital Mammography Campaign” have been postponed until further notice, leaving us several steps behind in reaching our goal of $350,000 to purchase and install this vital piece of medical equipment for the Cypress Regional Hospital,” says Carol Andrews- Development Officer & Communications Coordinator for the Dr. Noble Irwin Regional Healthcare Foundation. “We value our donors across Southwest Saskatchewan who have supported us through our over 20 year history in the region, and we hope they will continue to walk side by side with us in our philanthropic work. The need for medical equipment and the best technology for our medical personnel is even more crucial in rural Saskatchewan and we humbly ask our partners across the region to kindly consider making a donation to the Foundation to assist us with our work. In addition we as a Foundation are here to assist our local medical personnel with any urgent COVID-19 equipment or other medical supplies they may need in the coming days. We are committed to working together to keep healthcare strong now and into the future for the residents of Southwest Saskatchewan,” said Andrews.

Donations to the Dr. Noble Irwin Regional Healthcare Foundation are accepted on line through E-Transfer/ Credit Card or Call (306) 778-3314.