Mission accomplished for Heartbeat of Hope Radiothon Friday afternoon as a surge of last-hour donations helped the two-day event surpass its goal.

The Dr. Noble Irwin Regional Healthcare Foundation brought in $161,990 and counting across the 22-hour live broadcasts on Country 94.1, CKSW 570, Magic 97, and CJSN 1490 between Thursday and Friday.

“Proud to be part of this foundation,” Kris Johnson, the development, design & administration with the Dr. Noble Irwin Regional Healthcare Foundation, said right after revealing the final total. “We just want to continue to strive for success in Swift Current and southwest Saskatchewan and we can’t thank everybody enough for their contributions.”

Reaching the fundraising goals will allow the non-profit organization to purchase a stress test console and three defibrillators (two for the ICU unit and one for med-surge) for the Cypress Regional Hospital in Swift Current.

“It’s an incredible feeling (being able to make these purchases), she said. “The staff at the Cypress Regional Hospital, that’s huge for them.”

Several large donations flooded in on Friday but none bigger than Ted Hanlon’s to kick the day in the amount of $25,000.

“He’s been a long-time support of the foundation, so that put it (our amount) up there this morning,” Johnson said.

The radiothon had a very special guest Friday morning, Rustyn Paul and her mom Ashlyn stopped by to support the foundation. The non-profit organization has been a tremendous partner to Rustyn while she continues to battle with her health

“The foundation holds a very special place in our hearts,” Ashlyn said. “Had the equipment and the trained staff not been there in the critical time, I don’t even want to think about what it would have looked like for us. We’re very lucky, as a family and a community to have the foundation.”

The partnership between the foundation, Golden West Broadcasting, and the residents and businesses of the southwest has raised about $3 million through the 16 years of the event.


Written by David Zammit

Golden West Radio