We Care for Healthcare

How Much would you be prepared to give, if you knew your gift would save a life or, at very least give a man, woman or child, a better chance for a positive result when facing a healthcare concern?
We Care for Healthcare is a monthly giving program, designed to make charitable giving easy. It will also provide the Foundation with a stable and much needed source of annual funding, that we can earmark for regular equipment purchases. Healthcare equipment has a normal life-span of approximately 7 to 10 years, meaning that every 7 to 10 years, the equipment purchased then – needs to be replaced now.
So, for as little as $10.00 per month ($.32/day) you can make a significant contribution toward keeping our care facilities ready and able to support local healthcare needs. The We Care for Healthcare program, allows you to direct us on how you want your gift used. You can tell us to use the funds in a specific facility or department; you can tell us to use your gift to support the newest technologies or you can simply allow us to use your annual contribution to meet current equipment priorities as identified by our local healthcare providers.
We Care for Healthcare business supporters will receive:
- A We Care for Healthcare decal that you can display on your business door.
- We will prepare an email blast – through the Chamber of Commerce – listing all businesses that have joined us in this campaign. (This blast will be sent 4 times in 2019)
- The Foundation website (drirwinfoundation.com) will include a special link that will list all businesses taking part in the We Care for Healthcare Program
- The community will be notified – through social media (Facebook & Twitter) – that you care about your community and that you want your customers to remain strong and healthy.
- You will receive an Official Year End Taxation Receipt for your contribution to the We Care for Healthcare Program.
Individual supporters are welcome to receive any of the above support listed as per their wishes.
The monthly amount of your gift is completely up to you, but we hope you would consider a gift of at least $20.00 per month. We will arrange to have the monthly amount automatically (and securely) withdrawn from your bank account and your Official Taxation Receipt, including all your monthly contributions for the year, will be provided at year-end. The amount of your monthly contribution can be adjusted or cancelled at any time simply by contacting our office and telling us what you would like us to do.

The Dr. Noble Irwin Regional Healthcare Foundation has been working to keep local healthcare strong since 1999. In that time, Donors have contributed funds which have been used to purchase replacement equipment (hospital beds; vital signs monitors & bath tubs) and new technologies (C.T. Scanners; portable ultra-sound units & digital x-ray systems) for the hospitals and long-term care facilities located in Swift Current and southwest Saskatchewan. And while we are proud of what our Donors have accomplished, the job is certainly not done. Help us to keep our local healthcare strong.