
Annual General Meeting April 17, 2019

We had an excellent turnout for our Annual General Meeting, April 17th, at the Cypress Regional Hospital. We welcomed Nora Tinant, Leanne Tuntland Wiebe and Gay Anderson! We also were fortunate enough to have Saskatchewan Health Authority CEO Scott Livingstone join us to speak with the 80 or so people in attendance. A particular highlight of the night was the hospital staff led tours through different departments, highlighting pieces of equipment purchased with funds donated to the Foundation. Click here to see this year’s (or any previous year’s) Annual Report and read more.

Scott Livingstone addresses the meeting.

Dr. Malcolm Banks demonstrates the instruments he uses in eye surgery

One of the new maternity beds purchased from Radiothon gets demonstrated.

Dr Michael Kapusta demonstrates the simulation lab and how it is used to keep medical staff trained and prepared

Dr Kevin Wasko shows the capabilities of the new portable ultrasound and all of the applications it has.

The CT Scanner was the single largest purchase funded by donations to the Foundation, thanks to the estate of Roy H. Blanchard!